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  1. Reaching out isolated seniors: Lonely people are difficult to identify, as many are very socially isolated, which creates a vicious cycle of isolation. Targeting of isolated seniors within the buyer environment will be undertaken in an action that brings together senior volunteers who could identify and make the link with isolated seniors, as well as community centers and CLSC workers who serve the community.

  2. Speaking and understanding each other - Identifying needs : The community of seniors will be engaged in a series of conversations to identify needs and develop solutions in a spirit of co-creation. Ideation and action synthesis workshops will be coordinated to stimulate reflection and strengthen synergy and commitment.

  3. Building mutual aid networks : A community network will be established between the elderly beneficiaries, the elderly volunteers and the project partners, based on the conversation initiated and the needs identified.

The implementation of gerontechnologies will be established in alignment with an approach of community outreach and co-creation, which is at the heart of our process of co-development of techno-social solutions.

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